CAR9830 - Hacienda del Oro
Rio Condor 30, Rancho Del Oro, Ajijic, Jalisco, 45920, Chapala, Jalisco, Rancho del Oro, 45920- USD 3,500,000
- Beds: 7
- Baths: 8
- 688 m²
- 23,000 m²
- Rancho del Oro - For Sale
CAR11080 - Rancho San Francisco
Los Reyes #5, San Nicolás de Ibarra, Jalisco, Vista del Lago, 45936- USD 3,500,000
- Beds: 4
- Baths: 4
- 748 m²
- 17,105 m²
- Vista del Lago - For Sale
CAR10814 - Chapala Lote 22 Hectareas
Camino Real, Parcela 2 Z O, Chapala, Jalisco, Hacienda La Labor, 45945- USD 3,000,000
- 225,364 m²
- Hacienda La Labor - For Sale
CAR10652 - Mansion Lakefront Ajijic
Calle Ocampo # 176, Ajijic, Jalisco, Ajijic Village, 45920- MXN 59,990,000
- Beds: 8
- Baths: 5
- 1,200 m²
- 8,907 m²
- Ajijic Village - For Sale
CAR8880 - Blue Heron Ranch
Carretera Guadalajara - Morelia #504, Tuxcueca, Jalisco, Tuxcueca, 49430- USD 2,700,000
- Beds: 10
- Baths: 10
- 1,400 m²
- 26,270 m²
- Tuxcueca - For Sale
CAR10160 - La Mina Big Views
Prol. Galeana #260, Ajijic, Jalisco, Ajijic (Upper), 45920- USD 2,659,000
- Beds: 7
- Baths: 7
- 893 m²
- 2,444 m²
- Ajijic (Upper) - For Sale
CAR11085 - Casa Tres Leones Ajijic
Emiliano Zapata #10 (entre Calles Juarez y Tempisque), Chapala, Jalisco, Ajijic, 45920- USD 2,450,000
- Beds: 9
- Baths: 9
- 827 m²
- 1,334 m²
- Ajijic - For Sale
CAR11112 - Casa Lago Alto
La Mojonera No. 300, Jocotepec, Jalisco, San Juan Cosala, 45820- MXN 49,900,000
- Beds: 8
- Baths: 10
- 1,275 m²
- 11,173 m²
- San Juan Cosala - For Sale
CAR11079 - La Mojonera
Paseo del Empedrito # 5, Ajijic, Jalisco, Ajijic (West), 45820- USD 2,150,000
- Beds: 3
- Baths: 6
- 725 m²
- 1,326 m²
- Ajijic (West) - For Sale
Calle Cuauhtémoc #250 , Jocotepec, Jalisco, El Chante, 45825- MXN 43,000,000
- Beds: 4
- Baths: 8
- 263 m²
- 2,574 m²
- El Chante - For Sale
LIBRAMIENTO CHAPALA-AJIJIC #139-4, Chapala, Jalisco, San Antonio Tlay., 45923- MXN 43,000,000
- Beds: 7
- Baths: 5
- 816 m²
- 6,893 m²
- San Antonio Tlay. - For Sale
CAR10888 - Ultra Finca Familiar
Jimmy Connors 6, San Juan Cosalá, Jalisco, Raquet Club, 45820- USD 1,999,000
- Beds: 7
- Baths: 7
- 1,201 m²
- 2,064 m²
- Raquet Club - For Sale
CAR8129 - Casa Mazatlan
calle Mazatlan Num. 10, San Antonio Tlayacapan, Jalisco, Chula Vista Norte, 45907- USD 1,950,000
- Beds: 4
- Baths: 4
- 935 m²
- 2,130 m²
- Chula Vista Norte - For Sale
CAR10365 - Elegant Splendor "Las Salvias"
Prestigious La Salvias, Ajijic, Jalisco, Ajijic (Upper), 45920- USD 1,900,000
- Beds: 4
- Baths: 4
- 868 m²
- 1,205 m²
- Ajijic (Upper) - For Sale
CAR7731 - Lago Laguna Land
Carretera Jiquilpan-Guadalajara S/N, San Luis Soyatlán, Jalisco, San Luis Soyatlan, 49440- MXN 35,000,000
- Beds: 3
- Baths: 3
- 500 m²
- 10,179 m²
- San Luis Soyatlan - Price Reduction
CAR8209 - Ajijic Lakefront
Camino al Lago # 42, Chapala, Jalisco, Ajijic (West), 45920- MXN 34,900,000
- Beds: 12
- Baths: 14
- 1,200 m²
- 1,346 m²
- Ajijic (West) - For Sale
CAR9337 - El Santuario
El Tempisque #13, Ajijic, Jalisco, Las Salvias, 45920- USD 1,495,000
- Beds: 5
- Baths: 6
- 1,163 m²
- 1,008 m²
- Las Salvias - Price Reduction
CAR9670 - Akalani Residence 3
Carr Jocotepec-chapala KM 57.5 , Ajijic, Jalisco, Tres Cañadas, 45925- USD 1,400,000
- Beds: 3
- Baths: 3
- 345 m²
- 615 m²
- Tres Cañadas - For Sale
CAR10426 - Classic Contemporary
Rio Orinoco #22, Ajijic, Jalisco, Rancho del Oro, 45920- USD 1,395,000
- Beds: 3
- Baths: 5
- 684 m²
- 539 m²
- Rancho del Oro - For Sale
CAR9696 - Akalani Residence 4
Carr Jocotepec-chapala KM 57.5, Fraccionamiento Tres Cañadas, Ajijic, Jalisco, Chapala, Jalisco, Tres Cañadas, 45925- USD 1,350,000
- Beds: 3
- Baths: 3
- 375 m²
- 723 m²
- Tres Cañadas - For Sale
Search MLS Listings in The Lake Chapala Area
Suzi Finucane
Real Estate Professional with "Eager Realty"

Ex-Pat Real Estate Specialist
Suzi Finucane (Fin-ooh-can) has over 40+years of a diverse real estate career.
“It now is a time in my career, that I can relax and do what I love the most in the business of real estate, which is to help people find their next perfect home in …. paradise. It is always a fresh new treasure hunt…. searching and finding the perfect property for you.” Suzi
This website has been created with the purpose of offering current information about the paradise known as Ajijic (pronounced A he heek) Chapala and the communities of Lakeside.
This website offers a look into this magic area and information needed to be able to be knowledgeable about the process of purchasing real estate in the State of Jalisco, Mexico.
I am available to answer your questions about this beautiful area and the business of real estate.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions. If I do not have the answer, I will find someone who does.
I look forward to assisting you in the process of living in this unique paradise.
My best,
Suzi Finucane
About Lake Chapala
Homes For Sale in the Lake Side Area
Hacienda del Oro - CAR9830
- USD 3,500,000
- 7Bed
- 8Bath
- 688Cons. m²
- 23,000Lot
Rancho San Francisco - CAR11080
- USD 3,500,000
- 4Bed
- 4Bath
- 748Cons. m²
- 17,105Lot
Chapala Lote 22 Hectareas - CAR10814
- USD 3,000,000
- 225,364Lot
Mansion Lakefront Ajijic - CAR10652
- MXN 59,990,000
- 8Bed
- 5Bath
- 1,200Cons. m²
- 8,907Lot
Blue Heron Ranch - CAR8880
- USD 2,700,000
- 10Bed
- 10Bath
- 1,400Cons. m²
- 26,270Lot
La Mina Big Views - CAR10160
- USD 2,659,000
- 7Bed
- 7Bath
- 893Cons. m²
- 2,444Lot
Casa Tres Leones Ajijic - CAR11085
- USD 2,450,000
- 9Bed
- 9Bath
- 827Cons. m²
- 1,334Lot
Casa Lago Alto - CAR11112
- MXN 49,900,000
- 8Bed
- 10Bath
- 1,275Cons. m²
- 11,173Lot
La Mojonera - CAR11079
- USD 2,150,000
- 3Bed
- 6Bath
- 725Cons. m²
- 1,326Lot
- MXN 43,000,000
- 4Bed
- 8Bath
- 263Cons. m²
- 2,574Lot
- MXN 43,000,000
- 7Bed
- 5Bath
- 816Cons. m²
- 6,893Lot
Ultra Finca Familiar - CAR10888
- USD 1,999,000
- 7Bed
- 7Bath
- 1,201Cons. m²
- 2,064Lot
Casa Mazatlan - CAR8129
- USD 1,950,000
- 4Bed
- 4Bath
- 935Cons. m²
- 2,130Lot
Elegant Splendor "Las Salvias" - CAR10365
- USD 1,900,000
- 4Bed
- 4Bath
- 868Cons. m²
- 1,205Lot
Lago Laguna Land - CAR7731
- MXN 35,000,000
- 3Bed
- 3Bath
- 500Cons. m²
- 10,179Lot
Ajijic Lakefront - CAR8209
- MXN 34,900,000
- 12Bed
- 14Bath
- 1,200Cons. m²
- 1,346Lot
El Santuario - CAR9337
- USD 1,495,000
- 5Bed
- 6Bath
- 1,163Cons. m²
- 1,008Lot
Akalani Residence 3 - CAR9670
- USD 1,400,000
- 3Bed
- 3Bath
- 345Cons. m²
- 615Lot
Classic Contemporary - CAR10426
- USD 1,395,000
- 3Bed
- 5Bath
- 684Cons. m²
- 539Lot
Akalani Residence 4 - CAR9696
- USD 1,350,000
- 3Bed
- 3Bath
- 375Cons. m²
- 723Lot

- +01-541-410-6879
- Donato Guerra #20, Ajijic, Jalisco, 45920
- Eager Realty

Featured Listings
Lote Ideal - CAR6374
- MXN 32,000,000
- 10,000Lot
Los Coyotes - CAR6095
- MXN 25,830,000
- 36,900Lot
- USD 795,000
- 3Bed
- 4Bath
- 909Cons. m²
- 1,196Lot
Casa Christine - CAR10011
- USD 740,000
- 3Bed
- 3Bath
- 386Cons. m²
- 760Lot
Cuyutlan Villa - CAR9241
- USD 699,000
- 5Bed
- 6Bath
- 487Cons. m²
- 746Lot
Captivating Vistas - CAR10870
- USD 549,900
- 2Bed
- 3Bath
- 281Cons. m²
- 777Lot
Casa Kingsbury - CAR10826
- USD 538,000
- 3Bed
- 3Bath
- 359Cons. m²
- 176Lot
Casa la Rusa - CAR10903
- USD 479,000
- 3Bed
- 2Bath
- 173Cons. m²
- 279Lot
- USD 475,000
- 2Bed
- 2Bath
- 320Cons. m²
- 630Lot
- USD 460,000
- 3Bed
- 2Bath
- 362Cons. m²
- 1,181Lot
Casa San Diego - CAR10460
- USD 435,000
- 4Bed
- 4Bath
- 380Cons. m²
- 411Lot
Casa de Juanita - CAR10012
- USD 430,000
- 2Bed
- 2Bath
- 252Cons. m²
- 830Lot
El Parque Wow - CAR10955
- USD 339,000
- 3Bed
- 3Bath
- 163Cons. m²
- 387Lot
House of the Sun God - CAR10096
- USD 299,000
- 2Bed
- 1Bath
- 145Cons. m²
- 69Lot
Lote Moreno - CAR10214
- MXN 5,950,000
- 687Lot
Casa Angel Flores - CAR10746
- USD 258,000
- 2Bed
- 2Bath
- 145Cons. m²
- 87Lot
Quiet Country Living - CAR10713
- MXN 5,200,000
- 3Bed
- 3Bath
- 189Cons. m²
- 294Lot
Condo Azul - CAR9725
- MXN 4,255,000
- 2Bed
- 2Bath
- 109Cons. m²
- 117Lot